
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Debtor Category 1

The Debtor Category 1 support file contains labels that are used during the Debtors Registration process. The labels will provide a basis for the analysis of debtors during the production of the Debtors reports. These categories should be the standard that is adopted by the organisation to refer to different classes of debtors.

How to add debtor category 1 labels

To add these labels you go to Support Files/Debtors and Creditors Analysis->Debtor Category 1 and a screen like the one below shows up:

Debtor category 1 Local

I. Central

II. Western

III. Southern

IV. Northern

V. Eastern


Note that in this example the debtor category 1 analysis is based on the size of the debtor.

Click on the Add button to add the new debtor category 1 and repeat this for all possible labels.

You can click on the Print button to view\print the debtor category 1 labels and keep them for future reference.

Then click on the Close command button to exit the menu.

How to delete\modify debtor category 1 labels

To delete\modify the items you go to Support Files->Debtors and Creditors Analysis->Debtor Category 1 and a screen like the one below shows up:

From the list of the displayed labels, click on the one that you want to delete\modify, e.g., "SME Organisations". The variables for the selected labels will be displayed.

To modify the label make the necessary changes and click on the Update button. To delete the label click on the Delete button.

Repeat this for all labels that you need to delete\modify.

Then click on the Close button to exit the menu.

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